As I think I said, this doll was done for a swap on the Decidedly Different Dolls list at yahoo. It's supposedly commemorating the 50th anniversary of the peace sign, though I have my doubts, being old enough to remember when we wore "Aldermaston buttons", so named for a British peace demonstration, and were told they were an ancient symbol which with legs down meant "man lives" and with legs up, "man dies".
Be that as it may, we're having this swap, and the rules are simple: make a doll no larger than 4" (5") using a peace sign as an integral part of the design.
My original concept was to sew over a wired peace sign, but the doll fought me, so, preferring unbroken sewing machine needles I just zigzagged a peace sign, went over it 3 or 4 times, added stiffener,k & dried it in the microwave.
Then I added the other pieces, and here it is. Since the head is mounted on a pinback, it can also be worn.
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